Stem Cell Transplant - 1 Year Update

Post Transplant Update: Day 371 (But who's counting?)

Howdy Y'all! (I thought "Dear Friends and Family" was getting a little boring!)

Well it's been just a few days since I last sent out an email update. In fact it looks like I sent out the last one last millenium following the Post Transplant Party in July. Since that time a lot has happened.

First off, and most importantly, last week I went in for my One-Year follow-up for my Stem Cell Transplant. The results are all good. My CT looks "normal", at least for me. It seems every time I go in they see some remnant of my radiation therapy. I guess it just depends on the exact position they take the CT (or x-ray) from, but we have been repeatedly assured that this is nothing. So call the CT great. My bloodwork also looks normal (depending on which scale you use!) Everyone seems to have different classifications as to what is normal, and what is low. So chalk that up as normal as well.

I don't have to go back to Stanford for another year! Hip-Hip-Hooray! Of course, I'll still follow up with my normal Oncologist more regularly ... currently we are going every other month. Maybe I can talk him into once a quarter! The next big milestone will be the two year mark. Only four more years to go until I am technically considered "cured", but once again we're not counting.

I have also taken a new job and start next Monday. With all of those offers, it was a hard decision, but it basically came down to taking a position with a company that will support me both professionally and personally. That kind of eliminated all of those Pre-IPO companies as I didn't want to work 90 hours per week. So I took a position at a small company some of you may have heard of ... Lockheed-Martin. I guess I'll have to get used to working for real again. I can't say I'm looking forward to the commute, but I am definitely looking forward to working with people again. I have decided that I'm not a home-office kind of person! Not enough interpersonal interaction.

Feel free to check out our website for all of the things we did last year. They're all on our Christmas letter.

Take care.