December 2001

Welcome to the annual (late) installment of the MLJanz Christmas composition. This year we continued our construction, cherished our families, traveled to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, we are still employed (at the same companies), and Lori obtained her project management certification.

We must start this letter with the hands-down, most asked about item every year, "What have you done to your house lately?" For our first carefully construed contract, we constructed closets... we demo'd dry-wall, sawed studs, hung headers, ran RG6, screwed sheetrock, splattered spackle, and applied paint J. Anyone want to help with the final trim?? For our next endeavor, it began with a "chain saw on a stick". We trimmed the large Acacia allergy tree, all the way to the ground. Then, with a little help from the neighbor, we dug, sawed, and pulled out the stump. Next, we needed a place for the SPA! We decreed, "The green house must go!", and there was much rejoicing! But, what to do with the tools??? Off with the shed! Since we have a singularly un-square space for the shed, we crafted a custom cottage - complete with skylight, enclosed wood pile, and power. For you personal custom Janz shed, $3000 + materials (call for discount) After verifying Jimmy Hoffa was not under the green house, we used six sack cement to situate our spa. Soaking in the steamy spa is sumptuous (and more aesthetically pleasing than the ugly green house)

This year, we had a two year old running around the house - Mike! This January, he turns three and is still cancer free! In March, Grandma Reppucci decided to move in with Grandpa in his heavenly abode. She is missed by all L. Ashley, currently the most beautiful niece in the world, is walking and exploring everything within reach. She now has a 4 legged partner in crime - Cole - who makes sure he investigates those areas she can't...yet.. In August of this year, we learned our family was going to grow a little larger.... Rob and Caroline are expecting a baby girl! Once again, we will be an Aunt and Uncle (we don't do diapers)! Mike's Dad had a triple by-pass in November - something about arteries 100% clogged??? Our concern is we couldn't keep up with him before, now what?!?!?!

This year, we traveled to warm, exotic locations - Caribbean and Hawaii. In March, Minnie, Mickey, and Mike's Mate's family joined us on a Disney Cruise to St Martin, St Thomas, and Disney's private Island. We highly recommend this experience to parents with young kids. In October (for our 7th Anniversary), we flew to Hawaii for four fun filled days in Oahu and five fabulous, fantastic days on the Big Island. On Oahu, we were typical tourists and journeyed to the Polynesian Cultural Center, Arizona Memorial, USS Bowfin, and Mighty Mo. We then left the Honolulu hustle and bustle and flew to the relaxing environment of the Big Island. We took our first ever helicopter ride with the best seats in the house - up front with the pilot (what does that button do???) We will never forget trekking over lava fields at night to absorb the awesomeness of glowing orange steam from molten lava flowing into the ocean. Absolutely Beautiful! After a 5 1/2 year sit time, we finally donned scuba equipment and dove back in the water. Turtles being cleaned, a white tipped reef shark, two huge (10-12') Manta Rays, and Moray Eel's catching fish were just a few of the sights we saw. Scuba diving in the warm, clear Hawaiian water has us inspired to go back to the cold, murky waters of Monterey! On the 9th day, we ascended onto Mauna Kea to see the sunset and the most amazing display of stars.

Cleo and Magic are still keeping us on our toes. Fortunately, they have not delivered us any new family members this year J The Subaru continues to take us to places we wouldn't even take the Civic to, and the Convertible is the ultimate driving machine (we recommend everyone buy one!)

Next year we plan on traveling again to Hawaii (more diving), Houseboat on Lake Shasta, and potentially travel to Australia (more diving)! Feel free to email us at or visit us at

We hope the coming year brings peace, finds you in good health, and you have a safe and wonderful holiday..


Mike, Lori, Cleo, & Magic